The mysterious world of the strange creatures attached to Tessa Farmer, Arthur Machen's great granddaughter, has alarmed many in the art world in recent years.You can see her website here. Tessa is a loyal member of the Friends and it is interesting to see some of the videos of her special companions available online.
The following footage is but a short extract from a longer piece which shows the fairies engaged in a life and death struggle. "There is also a stop-motion portrayal of day-to-day life of these vicious beings. Animated by Tessa Farmer and Sean Daniels, with actual field recordings by Mark Pilkington, the film is based on a posthumous account by the only known naturalist to have witnessed the faeries’ behaviour in the wild." :
This interview with Tessa features her recent work in the Natural History Museum:
The faries also recently wrecked havoc in New York: