Thursday, 15 March 2007

H.P. Lovecraft anniversary

Today is the seventieth anniversary of the death of one of Machen's greatest admirers H.P. Lovecraft (August 20, 1890 – March 15, 1937) , who was inspired by Machen to create some of his best tales of weird horror, which in turn inspired many to follow in his footsteps and led to the creation of much sinister "Yog-Sothothery" and Mythos mysteries. Now many readers follow Lovecraft 's sources back to discover Machen leading to new followers for the Wizard of Gwent. It is strange to think the older Machen outlived Lovecraft for many years. Machen himself might have suggested this was something to do with Lovecraft's aversion to both tobacco and ale which Machen saw as essential to a healthy lifestyle.

May the Gentleman from Providence rest quietly in Deep Dendo.

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