Tuesday, 2 March 2010

Machen on Resonance FM

Dr Adrian Eckersley, the Friends' webmaster did Machen and the Friends very well in an delightful 28 minute broadcast on Machen on Resonance FM on Thursday January 14th, 2010. It was an excellent introduction to Machen and his work and will hopefully encourage many more people into reading Machen and to joining the society.

Adrian was interviewed by Malcolm Hopkins, who was obviously a genuine admirer of Machen's work and who asked some excellent questions. [Though he did mispronounce Machen's name]. Lost Steps is focused on London matters so naturally Machen's connection to the great city was a significant part of the focus of the programme but this led naturally onto many other aspects of Machen's work. Topics covered include psychogeography, Poe, Stoke Newington, Gray's Inn Road, the Golden Dawn, decadence, The Great God Pan, The Hill of Dreams, A Fragment of Life and The Inmost Light, The Bowman and the Angels of Mons. There was also a fine plug for FoAM and our notorious "booze-ups".
Listening to Adrian expand on his great knowledge of Machen and his work on radio is a very enjoyable half an hour and is highly recommended.

You can listen to the programme Lost Steps online here: